Vanessa Jacoby, MD, MAS

Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI); Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research (AVC-CR)
Committee Members

Dr. Vanessa Jacoby is a Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, the Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research, and Director of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute. She is a clinical researcher with a focus on improving care for people with uterine fibroids. She has conducted multiple clinical trials of new, minimally invasive treatments for people with fibroids including MR Guided Focused Ultrasound, laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation, and aromatase inhibitors. Dr. Jacoby's work has also focused on long-term health outcomes following hysterectomy and oophorectomy, particularly for people who are carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variants who undergo risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy.

With the onset of COVID-19, Dr. Jacoby worked with a multi-disciplinary group of collaborators to launch the PRIORITY study, a nationwide study of pregnant people and their newborns with COVID-19 ( Analyses from PRIORITY identified the persistence of COVID-19 symptoms in 25% of people infected during pregnancy. This work has led to further study of long-term outcomes following COVID-19 infection during pregnancy in the RECOVER study (

Dr. Jacoby’s research has been driven by patient-centered outcomes, community partnerships, and recruitment of underrepresented study populations. She is the director of the CTSI Participant Recruitment Program ( to support recruitment of diverse populations into clinical studies across UCSF. She is also a dedicated mentor involved in many research training programs at UCSF including the CTSI K Scholars Program, the K12 Women's Reproductive Health Research Program (WRHR), and the ARCHES program for faculty from historically excluded groups (


Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Relation to Leiomyoma Volume, Location, and Position in Reproductive-aged Women in the USA.

International urogynecology journal

Huang AJ, Schembri M, Raghunathan H, Kho K, Williams N, Sobolewski CJ, Shah BG, Parvataneni RK, Waetjen LE, Jacoby V

Sex Differences in Long COVID.

JAMA network open

Shah DP, Thaweethai T, Karlson EW, Bonilla H, Horne BD, Mullington JM, Wisnivesky JP, Hornig M, Shinnick DJ, Klein JD, Erdmann NB, Brosnahan SB, Lee-Iannotti JK, Metz TD, Maughan C, Ofotokun I, Reeder HT, Stiles LE, Shaukat A, Hess R, Ashktorab H, Bartram L, Bassett IV, Becker JH, Brim H, Charney AW, Chopra T, Clifton RG, Deeks SG, Erlandson KM, Fierer DS, Flaherman VJ, Fonseca V, Gander JC, Hodder SL, Jacoby VL, Kotini-Shah P, Krishnan JA, Kumar A, Levy BD, Lieberman D, Lin JJ, Martin JN, McComsey GA, Moukabary T, Okumura MJ, Peluso MJ, Rosen CJ, Saade G, Shah PK, Sherif ZA, Taylor BS, Tuttle KR, Urdaneta AE, Wallick JA, Wiley Z, Zhang D, Horwitz LI, Foulkes AS, Singer NG, RECOVER Consortium

Post-Acute Sequelae of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) After Infection During Pregnancy.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Metz TD, Reeder HT, Clifton RG, Flaherman V, Aragon LV, Baucom LC, Beamon CJ, Braverman A, Brown J, Cao T, Chang A, Costantine MM, Dionne JA, Gibson KS, Gross RS, Guerreros E, Habli M, Hadlock J, Han J, Hess R, Hillier L, Hoffman MC, Hoffman MK, Hughes BL, Jia X, Kale M, Katz SD, Laleau V, Mallett G, Mehari A, Mendez-Figueroa H, McComsey GA, Monteiro J, Monzon V, Okumura MJ, Pant D, Pacheco LD, Palatnik A, Palomares KTS, Parry S, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Poppas A, Ramsey P, Reddy UM, Rouse DJ, Saade GR, Sandoval GJ, Sciurba F, Simhan HN, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Thorp JM, Tita ATN, Wiegand S, Weiner SJ, Yee LM, Horwitz LI, Foulkes AS, Jacoby V, NIH Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Consortium*

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.

PloS one

Gross RS, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Gage Witvliet M, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Bradford T, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Chrisant M, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dionne A, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Handler S, Harahsheh AS, Hasbani K, Heath AC, Hebson C, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, McHugh K, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Miller J, Mitchell EC, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Osakwe O, Oster ME, Payne RM, Portman MA, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Sexson Tejtel SK, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Srivastava S, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Thacker D, Trachtenberg F, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP, RECOVER-Pediatric Consortium

Patterns of peripartum depression and anxiety during the pre-vaccine COVID-19 pandemic.

BMC pregnancy and childbirth

Altendahl MR, Xu L, Asiodu I, Boscardin WJ, Gaw SL, Flaherman VJ, Jacoby VL, Richards MC, Krakow D, Afshar Y

Pregnancy Outcomes After Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Leiomyomas Compared With Myomectomy.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Allen A, Schembri M, Parvataneni R, Waetjen LE, Varon S, Salamat-Saberi N, Tassone S, Williams N, Kho KA, Jacoby VL

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pregnancy study: Rationale, objectives and design.

PloS one

Metz TD, Clifton RG, Gallagher R, Gross RS, Horwitz LI, Jacoby VL, Martin-Herz SP, Peralta-Carcelen M, Reeder HT, Beamon CJ, Chan J, Chang AA, Costantine MM, Fitzgerald ML, Foulkes AS, Gibson KS, Güthe N, Habli M, Hackney DN, Hoffman MK, Hoffman MC, Hughes BL, Katz SD, Laleau V, Mallett G, Mendez-Figueroa H, Monzon V, Palatnik A, Palomares KTS, Parry S, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Poppas A, Reddy UM, Rouse DJ, Saade GR, Sandoval GJ, Schlater SM, Sciurba FC, Simhan HN, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Thaweethai T, Thomas GL, Thorp JM, Tita AT, Weiner SJ, Weigand S, Yee LM, Flaherman VJ, RECOVER Initiative

Impact of abnormal uterine bleeding care in premenopausal patients prior to endometrial malignancy diagnosis.

Gynecologic oncology reports

Grubman J, Mora V, Nguyen M, Ladwig N, Chen LM, Jacoby V

Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) adult study protocol: Rationale, objectives, and design.

PloS one

Horwitz LI, Thaweethai T, Brosnahan SB, Cicek MS, Fitzgerald ML, Goldman JD, Hess R, Hodder SL, Jacoby VL, Jordan MR, Krishnan JA, Laiyemo AO, Metz TD, Nichols L, Patzer RE, Sekar A, Singer NG, Stiles LE, Taylor BS, Ahmed S, Algren HA, Anglin K, Aponte-Soto L, Ashktorab H, Bassett IV, Bedi B, Bhadelia N, Bime C, Bind MC, Black LJ, Blomkalns AL, Brim H, Castro M, Chan J, Charney AW, Chen BK, Chen LQ, Chen P, Chestek D, Chibnik LB, Chow DC, Chu HY, Clifton RG, Collins S, Costantine MM, Cribbs SK, Deeks SG, Dickinson JD, Donohue SE, Durstenfeld MS, Emery IF, Erlandson KM, Facelli JC, Farah-Abraham R, Finn AV, Fischer MS, Flaherman VJ, Fleurimont J, Fonseca V, Gallagher EJ, Gander JC, Gennaro ML, Gibson KS, Go M, Goodman SN, Granger JP, Greenway FL, Hafner JW, Han JE, Harkins MS, Hauser KSP, Heath JR, Hernandez CR, Ho O, Hoffman MK, Hoover SE, Horowitz CR, Hsu H, Hsue PY, Hughes BL, Jagannathan P, James JA, John J, Jolley S, Judd SE, Juskowich JJ, Kanjilal DG, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kelly JD, Kelly SW, Kim AY, Kirwan JP, Knox KS, Kumar A, Lamendola-Essel MF, Lanca M, Lee-Lannotti JK, Lefebvre RC, Levy BD, Lin JY, Logarbo BP, Logue JK, Longo MT, Luciano CA, Lutrick K, Malakooti SK, Mallett G, Maranga G, Marathe JG, Marconi VC, Marshall GD, Martin CF, Martin JN, May HT, McComsey GA, McDonald D, Mendez-Figueroa H, Miele L, Mittleman MA, Mohandas S, Mouchati C, Mullington JM, Nadkarni GN, Nahin ER, Neuman RB, Newman LT, Nguyen A, Nikolich JZ, Ofotokun I, Ogbogu PU, Palatnik A, Palomares KTS, Parimon T, Parry S, Parthasarathy S, Patterson TF, Pearman A, Peluso MJ, Pemu P, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Pogreba-Brown K, Poppas A, Porterfield JZ, Quigley JG, Quinn DK, Raissy H, Rebello CJ, Reddy UM, Reece R, Reeder HT, Rischard FP, Rosas JM, Rosen CJ, Rouphael NG, Rouse DJ, Ruff AM, Saint Jean C, Sandoval GJ, Santana JL, Schlater SM, Sciurba FC, Selvaggi C, Seshadri S, Sesso HD, Shah DP, Shemesh E, Sherif ZA, Shinnick DJ, Simhan HN, Singh U, Sowles A, Subbian V, Sun J, Suthar MS, Teunis LJ, Thorp JM, Ticotsky A, Tita ATN, Tragus R, Tuttle KR, Urdaneta AE, Utz PJ, VanWagoner TM, Vasey A, Vernon SD, Vidal C, Walker T, Ward HD, Warren DE, Weeks RM, Weiner SJ, Weyer JC, Wheeler JL, Whiteheart SW, Wiley Z, Williams NJ, Wisnivesky JP, Wood JC, Yee LM, Young NM, Zisis SN, Foulkes AS

Changes in Bone Density in Carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Pathogenic Variants After Salpingo-Oophorectomy.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Chan LN, Chen LM, Goldman M, Mak JS, Bauer DC, Boscardin J, Schembri M, Bae-Jump V, Friedman S, Jacoby VL

Long-term health-related quality of life and symptom severity following hysterectomy, myomectomy, or uterine artery embolization for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Anchan RM, Spies JB, Zhang S, Wojdyla D, Bortoletto P, Terry K, Disler E, Milne A, Gargiulo A, Petrozza J, Brook O, Srouji S, Morton CC, Greenberg J, Wegienka G, Stewart EA, Nicholson WK, Thomas L, Venable S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Diamond MP, Maxwell GL, Marsh EE, Myers ER, Vines AI, Wise LA, Wallace K, Jacoby VL

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig EB, Chan J, Chibnik LB, Cicek MS, Elliott AJ, Flaherman VJ, Foulkes AS, Witvliet MG, Gallagher R, Gennaro ML, Jernigan TL, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kinser PA, Kleinman LC, Lamendola-Essel MF, Milner JD, Mohandas S, Mudumbi PC, Newburger JW, Rhee KE, Salisbury AL, Snowden JN, Stein CR, Stockwell MS, Tantisira KG, Thomason ME, Truong DT, Warburton D, Wood JC, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh AN, Anderson BR, Aschner JL, Atz AM, Aupperle RL, Baker FC, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch DM, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan S, Bind MC, Bogie AL, Buchbinder NC, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey BJ, Chang L, Clark DB, Clifton RG, Clouser KN, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D'Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dummer KB, Elias MD, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans DN, Faustino EVS, Fiks AG, Forsha D, Foxe JJ, Friedman NP, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee DG, Gray KM, Harahsheh AS, Heath AC, Heitzeg MM, Hester CM, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong TKF, Horowitz CR, Hsia DS, Huentelman M, Hummel KD, Iacono WG, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby VL, Jone PN, Kaelber DC, Kasmarcak TJ, Kluko MJ, Kosut JS, Laird AR, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang SM, Larson CL, Lim PPC, Lisdahl KM, McCrindle BW, McCulloh RJ, Mendelsohn AL, Metz TD, Morgan LM, Müller-Oehring EM, Nahin ER, Neale MC, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan SM, Oliveira CR, Oster ME, Payne RM, Raissy H, Randall IG, Rao S, Reeder HT, Rosas JM, Russell MW, Sabati AA, Sanil Y, Sato AI, Schechter MS, Selvarangan R, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia LM, Stevenson MD, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber MM, Teufel RJ, Thacker D, Udosen MM, Warner MR, Watson SE, Werzberger A, Weyer JC, Wood MJ, Yin HS, Zempsky WT, Zimmerman E, Dreyer BP

Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pregnancy study: Rationale, objectives and design.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Metz TD, Clifton RG, Gallagher R, Gross RS, Horwitz LI, Jacoby VL, Martin-Herz SP, Peralta-Carcelen M, Reeder HT, Beamon CJ, Bind MA, Chan J, Chang AA, Chibnik LB, Costantine MM, Fitzgerald ML, Foulkes AS, Gibson KS, Güthe N, Habli M, Hackney DN, Hoffman MK, Hoffman MC, Hughes BL, Katz SD, Laleau V, Mallett G, Mendez-Figueroa H, Monzon V, Palatnik A, Palomares KTS, Parry S, Peralta-Carcelen M, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Poppas A, Reddy UM, Rouse DJ, Saade GR, Sandoval GJ, Schlater SM, Sciurba FC, Simhan HN, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Thaweethai T, Thomas GL, Thorp JM, Tita AT, Weiner SJ, Weigand S, Yee LM, Flaherman VJ

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Women with Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Rubio EM, Hilton JF, Bent S, Parvataneni R, Oberman E, Saberi NS, Varon S, Schembri M, Waetjen LE, Jacoby VL

A Comparative Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life 1 Year Following Myomectomy or Uterine Artery Embolization: Findings from the COMPARE-UF Registry.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Anchan RM, Wojdyla D, Bortoletto P, Terry K, Disler E, Milne A, Gargiulo A, Petrozza J, Brook O, Srouji S, Morton CC, Greenberg J, Wegienka G, Stewart EA, Nicholson WK, Thomas L, Venable S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Diamond MP, Maxwell GL, Marsh EE, Myers ER, Vines AI, Wise LA, Wallace K, Jacoby VL, Spies JB

Patterns of Peripartum Depression and Anxiety During the Pre-Vaccine COVID-19 Pandemic.

Research square

Altendahl MR, Xu L, Asiodu I, Boscardin J, Gaw SL, Flaherman VJ, Jacoby VL, Richards MC, Krakow D, Afshar Y

Development of a core minimum data set to advance real-world evidence generation for uterine fibroids treatment technologies.

BMJ surgery, interventions, & health technologies

Baird CE, Myers E, Jacoby V, Gressler LE, Venable S, O'Neill A, Price V, Lee A, Roberts J, Andrews S, Sedrakyan A, Marinac-Dabic D

Emergency department visits and emergency-to-inpatient admissions for abnormal uterine bleeding in the USA nationwide.

Emergency medicine journal : EMJ

Grubman J, Hawkins M, Whetstone S, Autry M, Lazar A, Sawaya GF, Jacoby V

Neutralizing antibody activity against SARS-CoV-2 variants in gestational age-matched mother-infant dyads after infection or vaccination.

JCI insight

Matsui Y, Li L, Prahl M, Cassidy AG, Ozarslan N, Golan Y, Gonzalez VJ, Lin CY, Jigmeddagva U, Chidboy MA, Montano M, Taha TY, Khalid MM, Sreekumar B, Hayashi JM, Chen PY, Kumar GR, Warrier L, Wu AH, Song D, Jegatheesan P, Rai DS, Govindaswami B, Needens J, Rincon M, Myatt L, Asiodu IV, Flaherman VJ, Afshar Y, Jacoby VL, Murtha AP, Robinson JF, Ott M, Greene WC, Gaw SL

Route of myomectomy and fertility: a prospective cohort study.

Fertility and sterility

Wise LA, Thomas L, Anderson S, Baird DD, Anchan RM, Terry KL, Marsh EE, Wegienka G, Nicholson WK, Wallace K, Bigelow R, Spies J, Maxwell GL, Jacoby V, Myers ER, Stewart EA

Infant Outcomes Following Maternal Infection With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): First Report From the Pregnancy Coronavirus Outcomes Registry (PRIORITY) Study.

Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Flaherman VJ, Afshar Y, Boscardin WJ, Keller RL, H Mardy A, Prahl MK, T Phillips C, Asiodu IV, Berghella V, Chambers BD, Crear-Perry J, Jamieson DJ, Jacoby VL, Gaw SL

Evaluating a community-based training program for evidence-based treatments for PTSD using the RE-AIM framework.

Psychological services

Dondanville KA, Fina BA, Straud CL, Tyler H, Jacoby V, Blount TH, Moring JC, Blankenship AE, Finley EP

Reply: Selection bias in estimates of early pregnancy loss.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Jacoby VL, Boscardin WJ

Risk of pregnancy loss before 20 weeks' gestation in study participants with COVID-19.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Jacoby VL, Murtha A, Afshar Y, Gaw SL, Asiodu I, Tolosa J, Norton ME, Boscardin WJ, Flaherman V

Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life After Procedural Intervention for Uterine Fibroids.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Wallace K, Stewart EA, Wise LA, Nicholson WK, Parry JP, Zhang S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Jacoby V, Anchan RM, Diamond MP, Venable S, Shiflett A, Wegienka GR, Maxwell GL, Wojdyla D, Myers ER, Marsh E

Racial and ethnic differences in reconstructive surgery for apical vaginal prolapse.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Boyd BAJ, Winkelman WD, Mishra K, Vittinghoff E, Jacoby VL

Endometrial findings among transgender and gender nonbinary people using testosterone at the time of gender-affirming hysterectomy.

Fertility and sterility

Hawkins M, Deutsch MB, Obedin-Maliver J, Stark B, Grubman J, Jacoby A, Jacoby VL

Black Women Are More Likely Than White Women to Schedule a Uterine-Sparing Treatment for Leiomyomas.

Journal of women's health (2002)

Wegienka G, Stewart EA, Nicholson WK, Zhang S, Li F, Thomas L, Spies JB, Venable S, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Diamond MP, Anchan RM, Maxwell GL, Marsh EE, Myers ER, Vines AI, Wise LA, Wallace K, Jacoby VL

Clinical Presentation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Afshar Y, Gaw SL, Flaherman VJ, Chambers BD, Krakow D, Berghella V, Shamshirsaz AA, Boatin AA, Aldrovandi G, Greiner A, Riley L, Boscardin WJ, Jamieson DJ, Jacoby VL, Pregnancy CoRonavIrus Outcomes RegIsTrY (PRIORITY) Study

Launching a Competency-Based Training Program in Evidence-Based Treatments for PTSD: Supporting Veteran-Serving Mental Health Providers in Texas.

Community mental health journal

Dondanville KA, Fina BA, Straud CL, Finley EP, Tyler H, Jacoby V, Blount TH, Moring JC, Pruiksma KE, Blankenship AE, Evans WR, Zaturenskaya M, STRONG STAR Training Initiative

Comparative effectiveness of hysterectomy versus myomectomy on one-year health-related quality of life in women with uterine fibroids.

Fertility and sterility

Wallace K, Zhang S, Thomas L, Stewart EA, Nicholson WK, Wegienka GR, Wise LA, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Diamond MP, Marsh EE, Jacoby VL, Anchan RM, Venable S, Larry GM, Lytle B, Wang T, Myers ER

Short-term quality of life after myomectomy for uterine fibroids from the COMPARE-UF Fibroid Registry.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Lu D, Thomas L, Diamond MP, Wallace K, Wegienka G, Vines AI, Anchan RM, Wang T, Maxwell GL, Jacoby V, Marsh EE, Spies JB, Nicholson WK, Stewart EA, Myers ER

Short-Term Health-Related Quality of Life After Hysterectomy Compared With Myomectomy for Symptomatic Leiomyomas.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Nicholson WK, Wegienka G, Zhang S, Wallace K, Stewart E, Laughlin-Tommaso S, Thomas L, Jacoby VL, Marsh EE, Wise L, Borah BJ, Spies J, Venable S, Anchan RM, Larry Maxwell G, Diamond M, Lytle B, Myers ER

Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Leiomyomas: Clinical Outcomes during Early Adoption into Surgical Practice.

Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology

Jacoby VL, Parvataneni R, Oberman E, Saberi NS, Varon S, Schembri M, Waetjen LE

Myoma Imaging by Gynecologic Surgeons Training in Intraoperative Ultrasound Technique.

Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology

Bent RE, Wilson MD, Jacoby VL, Varon S, Parvataneni R, Saberi N, Waetjen LE

FIRSTT study: randomized controlled trial of uterine artery embolization vs focused ultrasound surgery.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Laughlin-Tommaso S, Barnard EP, AbdElmagied AM, Vaughan LE, Weaver AL, Hesley GK, Woodrum DA, Jacoby VL, Kohi MP, Price TM, Nieves A, Miller MJ, Borah BJ, Moriarty JP, Gorny KR, Leppert PC, Severson AL, Lemens MA, Stewart EA

Misdiagnosis of Leiomyosarcoma after Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Myomas.

Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology

Varon S, Parvataneni R, Waetjen E, Dunn K, Jacoby VL

The Comparing Options for Management: PAtient-centered REsults for Uterine Fibroids (COMPARE-UF) registry: rationale and design.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Stewart EA, Lytle BL, Thomas L, Wegienka GR, Jacoby V, Diamond MP, Nicholson WK, Anchan RM, Venable S, Wallace K, Marsh EE, Maxwell GL, Borah BJ, Catherino WH, Myers ER

Disparities in Fibroid Incidence, Prognosis, and Management.

Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America

Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Jacoby VL, Myers ER

Periprocedural outcomes comparing fibroid embolization and focused ultrasound: a randomized controlled trial and comprehensive cohort analysis.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Barnard EP, AbdElmagied AM, Vaughan LE, Weaver AL, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Hesley GK, Woodrum DA, Jacoby VL, Kohi MP, Price TM, Nieves A, Miller MJ, Borah BJ, Gorny KR, Leppert PC, Peterson LG, Stewart EA

Fibroid interventions: reducing symptoms today and tomorrow: extending generalizability by using a comprehensive cohort design with a randomized controlled trial.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

AbdElmagied AM, Vaughan LE, Weaver AL, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Hesley GK, Woodrum DA, Jacoby VL, Kohi MP, Price TM, Nieves A, Miller MJ, Borah BJ, Gorny KR, Leppert PC, Lemens MA, Stewart EA

PROMISe trial: a pilot, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound for uterine fibroids.

Fertility and sterility

Jacoby VL, Kohi MP, Poder L, Jacoby A, Lager J, Schembri M, Rieke V, Grady D, Vittinghoff E, Coakley FV

Obstacles to Studying Emerging Technologies.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Waetjen LE, Parvataneni R, Varon S, Saberi NS, Jacoby VL, University of California Fibroid Network (UCFN)

Managing symptoms and maximizing quality of life after preventive interventions for cancer risk reduction.

Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology

Chapman JS, Jacoby V, Chen LM

Use of medical, surgical and complementary treatments among women with fibroids.

European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology

Jacoby VL, Jacoby A, Learman LA, Schembri M, Gregorich SE, Jackson R, Kuppermann M

Screening pelvic examinations: right, wrong, or rite?

Annals of internal medicine

Sawaya GF, Jacoby V

Hysterectomy and urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women.

International urogynecology journal

Kudish BI, Shveiky D, Gutman RE, Jacoby V, Sokol AI, Rodabough R, Howard BV, Blanchette P, Iglesia CB

Hysterectomy controversies: ovarian and cervical preservation.

Clinical obstetrics and gynecology

Jacoby VL

Ovarian cancer rates after hysterectomy with and without salpingo-oophorectomy.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Chan JK, Urban R, Capra AM, Jacoby V, Osann K, Whittemore A, Habel LA

Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy and ovarian cancer screening in 1077 women after BRCA testing.

JAMA internal medicine

Mannis GN, Fehniger JE, Creasman JS, Jacoby VL, Beattie MS

Reproductive and other health outcomes in Iraq and Afghanistan women veterans using VA health care: association with mental health diagnoses.

Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health

Cohen BE, Maguen S, Bertenthal D, Shi Y, Jacoby V, Seal KH

Oophorectomy vs ovarian conservation with hysterectomy: cardiovascular disease, hip fracture, and cancer in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study.

Archives of internal medicine

Jacoby VL, Grady D, Wactawski-Wende J, Manson JE, Allison MA, Kuppermann M, Sarto GE, Robbins J, Phillips L, Martin LW, O'Sullivan MJ, Jackson R, Rodabough RJ, Stefanick ML

Use of a β-hCG discriminatory zone with bedside pelvic ultrasonography.

Annals of emergency medicine

Wang R, Reynolds TA, West HH, Ravikumar D, Martinez C, McAlpine I, Jacoby VL, Stein JC

Differential use of diagnostic ultrasound in u.s. Emergency departments by time of day.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Stein JC, Jacoby VL, Vittinghoff E, Wang R, Kwan E, Reynolds T, McAlpine I, Gonzales R

Emergency physician ultrasonography for evaluating patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy: a meta-analysis.

Annals of emergency medicine

Stein JC, Wang R, Adler N, Boscardin J, Jacoby VL, Won G, Goldstein R, Kohn MA

Racial and ethnic disparities in benign gynecologic conditions and associated surgeries.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Jacoby VL, Fujimoto VY, Giudice LC, Kuppermann M, Washington AE

Health disparities: definitions and measurements.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Dehlendorf C, Bryant AS, Huddleston HG, Jacoby VL, Fujimoto VY

Nationwide use of laparoscopic hysterectomy compared with abdominal and vaginal approaches.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Jacoby VL, Autry A, Jacobson G, Domush R, Nakagawa S, Jacoby A

Effect of bilateral oophorectomy on women's long-term health.

Women's health (London, England)

Parker WH, Jacoby V, Shoupe D, Rocca W

A survey of bedside ultrasound use by emergency physicians in California.

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American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

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Archives of internal medicine

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